Howls From the Dark Ages: An Anthology of Medieval Horror

P.L. McMillan, Brian Evenson, Hailey Piper, Cody Goodfellow, Patrick Barb, Christopher O'Halloran, C.B. Jones, Solomon Forse, Christopher Buehlman

Uncover the secret annals of untold history in these eighteen medieval manuscripts. Each tortured scribe will bring you face to face with ancient horrors lurking in cursed castles, wild woodlands, haunted hamlets, and mysterious monasteries.Including a li...

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Voir les livres de Hailey Piper

Voir les livres de Cody Goodfellow

Voir les livres de Patrick Barb

Voir les livres de Christopher O'Halloran

Voir les livres de C.B. Jones

Voir les livres de Solomon Forse

Voir les livres de Christopher Buehlman

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